Sunday, April 26, 2009

Effing Google

I can only hope people find me again.

I've lost my blog, my connections, my over two years of writing....because Google sold my domain name AFTER I paid for it!


So, with the same domain name, only with blogspot added to it, I can hope search engines find me again.

Hope to see all of you back here...


  1. Welcome back, as it were. I hope that Google/Blogger makes good and at the very least, restores your original blog and posts.

  2. so you lost your writing after all.... that sucks ass.

  3. Google is going from Do No Evil to Evil Empire pretty fast.

  4. always keep a backup of your blog. you can't trust your thoughts and art to some virtual netherworld.

    blogger in draft has an export blog feature which makes backing up painless.

    regular blogger also has this feature, but it doesn't yet work as of my last attempt - you get the file, but it's empty.

    so use blogger in draft for backing up until they officially announce it works for standard blogger.
